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Markdown Manual

Markdown is a minimalistic way of formatting text for rendering in HTML. Originally conceived by John Gruber (see Markdown) it was quickly adopted by the developer community.
GitHub extended the syntax to include tables. The CommonMark foundation later standardized the syntax (see CommonMark).

NoteStack supports both "GitHub Flavored Markdown" and CommonMark.


_italic_ or *italic* renders italic
**bold** or __bold__ renders bold
~strikeout~ renders strikeout


# Heading 1 renders Heading 1
## Heading 2 renders Heading 2


- item 1
- item 2

Renders a bullet list

1. item 1
1. item 2

Renders a numbered list

  1. item 1
  2. item 2


> Blockquotes renders, well


Code blocks

`inline code`

renders inline code phrases.

Blocks of code can be rendered like so:

function renderCodeBlock() {
  console.log('Renders code blocks')

A language can optionally be added to the block. Languages currently supported: javascript, java, typescript, bash, json, sql, dockerfile, python, ruby, handlebars, C++ ('cpp'), C# ('cs'), kotlin, swift.

function renderCodeBlock() {
  console.log('Renders code blocks')

Missing a language? Please submit a request in the feedback!

An image tag consists of [<the text>](<the url>)


[NoteStack - The Developer's Notebook](
renders to NoteStack - The Developer's Notebook


When you drop an image or paste a screenshot into the editor NoteStack generates an image tag for you.
An image tag consists of ![<alt text>](<the url>)



Turns into:



Tables require some ASCII-art. Pipes delimit columns. At least 3 dashes per column are required for the table to be recognized by the renderer. Colons can be used for alignment of the cells.


|column 1|column 2|column 3|column 4|
|row 1 |left|right|center|

Turns into:

column 1 column 2 column 3 column 4
row 1 left right center

Horizontal rule

--- renders to


It is possible to add HTML to a markdown document. Handle with care though! Faulty HTML can break the rendering of your document.